2024 Curricula

January Curriculum: Fitness in Menopause

In the January 10th session, Jill will cover muscles, metabolism and the chronic cardio problem. Polly will teach how to create new “sticky” habits and maintain motivation to achieve your goals.

February Curriculum: Toxins in Menopause

In the February 7 session, Jill will tackle the problem of plastics, PFAS, and pesticides that are disrupting our hormones and sabotaging our health. Polly will teach us how to quit the toxic thought patterns around aging that degrade our inner peace and accelerate aging/disease.

March Curriculum: Healing Fatigue & Finding Purpose

In the March 6 session, Jill will share a powerful roadmap for getting your natural energy back and keeping it steady and humming from now on.

Peri to post menopause leaves many women feeling flat, directionless and a little unmoored about their future. This notion of not feeling as needed and necessary as we once were, is at once exciting and terrifying too. Many are haunted by big questions like “How will I feel useful? How will I fill my time? What’s my purpose now that one needs a ride to the mall or a hot meal?” On March 6, Polly will lead us in re-imagining our roles and exploring our true purpose for the next stage of life.

April Curriculum: Your Mind on Menopause

The April 3 session will cover hot flashes, forgetfulness, and your foggy brain, as well as the impact of alcohol in menopause, how to take charge of your mind, and much more. Jill teaches us about what the menopausal transitions mean for our brain health and what we can do to build lasting clarity.

Nothing could be more precious to us as our own minds and memories. Polly will teach us how assess our brain function today, and lead us in doing several cognitive challenges designed to keep our brains GROWING (during a time when they are programmed to shrink). Participants will leave feeling empowered, knowing exactly how to protect that treasured grey matter for decades to come.

Polly will also guide us in taking another step around connecting to our purpose in the next stage of life.

May Curriculum

(Not) Hot & (Often) Bothered: The Down-There Conversation for Women in Peri to Post Menopause

How do I talk with my partner about the sex we are not having much of?

When I laugh, cough or sneeze, I pee and I am not okay with it. What can I do?

Sex has become painful in menopause. What can I do to fix this?

Am I dreaming or is it getting harder to orgasm?

What’s with the increase in urinary tract issues?

Why do I need to pee all the time and what can I do about it?

The list of questions about what’s newly going on with your puss seems to grow and grow …

And we’ve got some really timely answers for you.

In our last session of the season, Jill Baker, NP will discuss how you can have more pleasure, feel less pain, and take care of your puss.

And Polly Ely, MFT will explore how to resolve some of the dilemmas that come with a changing sex drive and how to gently update our partners about what we need (and don’t need) in our 40s, 50s and 60s.