Our Story

In the heat of July, 2022, we took a long walk together to connect on all that we were both discovering about how to feel good inside amidst a storm of hormonal change. As we traversed the oaky single track, our conversation kept veering towards our shared interest in our health and our hormones. We talked at length about what glucose does to our moods and how it impacts our hormones; we meandered towards the latest science about how to protect our hearts, our veins and our bones. We explored how to improve our sleep, and how our exercise regimes needed to change to reduce the symptoms of menopause and finally, how to nurture our primary relationships by communicating more with our partners. We wrapped up by zeroing in on what supplements are really helping us (and which ones could be hurting us).

It was an epic conversation that left us both exhilarated and wondering, “What if we could share all that we know through our own experiences and studies? Could we help women in our community through data-driven information to have a smoother ride through Peri to post menopause than we did? This is where Inner Piece was born. 

So we now welcome you to expand our group! If you want to understand what's happening in your body, mind and relationships during this sensitive hormonal passage, consider joining our small women’s health group that will meet one Wednesday evening each month.

Together we will teach and learn about how we can stabilize our emotions, our hormones and our long term health profile wile passing through this massive midlife transition.

Contact us.